Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Grid Project

In the midst of studying computer art and the origins of computers, we had to do a Grid Art project for Art 211. Naturally, the idea was to emulate the computers use of pixels by using a grid to create a piece of art. I chose to use perlor beads for my project. Perlor beads, are those beads you put on a little bead plate and then iron together to make all sorts of crazy designs and shapes. For my project I took a picture of myself using the webcam on my macbook and then printed it out and drew a grid on it. I used the printed photo as a map to create the piece pictured below. Unfortunately it didn't really come out to look like me, but it still looks really cool, so I'm happy. Anyways, that's one more project in the books, and only 3 more to go!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice job on the grid art. It almost looks like you but I think it would be pretty impossible with those kind of beads and the limited variety of colors available to render a human face really accurately. You would need more different flesh tone shades and either smaller beads or a bigger canvas to get all of the shading right. For the materials I think it looks as close as you could possibly get.
